Saturday, July 2, 2011


I don't hate children, of course not, I was one before. But I don't care very much for them at least not when they're behaving badly or when they're crying or being loud. They're more or less adorable when they're being cute and funny and they're really cute when they're sleeping.

Now, I'm sure this can mostly be blamed on the parents. You see, it's the parents that let their children run around in; supermarkets, malls, train (like in this case) or any were where there is open space. And they (the parents) probably think it's really cute that their kids are having fun in the public places (or they're to lazy to approach it and discipline their kids) but the case is that we that happen to be around, we don't all appreciate these children running around shouting and being all loud. You don't see me taking my dogs of the leash where there is load of people, letting them run around barking, sniffing and pissing around the place. And i'm pretty sure that if I did, some square minded bugger would call the police or dog-catcher or something. I know what you're thinking; dogs can be dangerous, it's not really fair to compare the two things. Ok, point taken but so can children, it's easy to trip on them when they're on the loose and it is kinda in a way Ok to compare it; both need discipline and both kinda have an "owner".

But it is very odd, that people think that when they bring their kids along they can just let them loose..?
"Right we're here in this cafe and I'll just let my little kid here run around....I mean there is no danger, it wont be able to go out on the street, so I'll just sip on my latte and talk to my friends while the kid gets it exercise". No....doesn't work that way! See, I came to drink my coffee and enjoy my little piece of chocolate along with it and I can probably speak for many when I say that it's really hard when there is a toddler running around the café bumping into about anything that is possible to bump into. Dont mind the mother bringing the kid to the café to meet up with friends but then keep the kid under control....

Again, I dont hate kids. I just think that parents could try to keep them a little more under control. Some discipline doesn't kill anyone. And polite, moderately disciplined children are just so much more pleasant than little terrorist running around with drool on their t-shirts and crazy-glow in their eyes.

I'll probably have a kid at some point in my life (unless I settle with dogs and cats, which I must say, that at the moment, I enjoy much more, they're furry and sweet and it takes max 1 week to teach them how to use the "toilet") and it's probably going to be a little, loud and hyper terrorist if it would take some from me. But hopefully I will be able to keep it under control when around other people so that they can enjoy their coffee, train-trip, air-trip, boat-trip, supermarkets and all that.

And next time I'm buying a ticket in the quiet section.

Oh, and all baby people and parents out there, dont get offended. Your kids are probably totally awesome!

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