Saturday, July 9, 2011

Death of an ipod

It's not dead yet but it sure is getting senile, I turn it off and in two seconds it is turned on again playing some song that I surely did not ask for. Nem good....because my ipod is my all time exercise fact it's my all the time buddy. Whenever I go out of the house my ipod follows, secured in my bra playing my favorite music. And now it's giving up on life..sniffsniff.

The only bright side of this matter is that: this could soon be my new exercise buddy:
Ooooo, it's so pretty and it can count your steps and it can do all kinda things that probably says in the manual which i will read and then give you an update.....or not. It's not too cheap but you know, when I say that I need shoes....that's just hallucination most of the time, but an ipod is something I cannot live without, that's just how it is.  I need to have something in my ears when I jog, when I exercise, when I bike to school, when I do grocery shopping.....I walk better when I listen to music, its true!!!

So, if my oldie doesnt get back on track, i'll be accepting this new exercise buddy into my life.

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