Friday, July 1, 2011

On a move

Once again, I've packed my bags, found a place to stash them and I'm off again. Seems like me and Copenhagen don't really click as most things went wrong that could go wrong. Surely there were some good times; there is always good times were miss Frida is but unfortunately shit was hitting the fan quite frequently and there is only so much one bothers to deal with.

When I left Budapest I was super excited about settling in Denmark (actually I was super excited about going to Brazil) to finish my studies, find a handsome  boyfriend (since there is not such a great variation of men in Budapest, no offence!) and finally perhaps get a job and get a life here. I have more or less aborted those ideas, the whole thing with finishing the school....well, that mission is a mission of a lifetime and since I am able to do it in less than a lifetime in Budapest I think i'll do that. Finding a boyfriend....well...I still have time for that later in life and I believe I need a country that is warm, people and weather wise.

So what's happening now: I'm getting a move on to Jylland were I'll be working with Frida's mother in her gallery. That will be a nice change from Copenhagen, been a fecking wreck half of the time a great diet out of the whole thing and bigger jeans....Dunno how positive that is. So for one month I'll be chilling (working) in the country side, chewing on straws and swearing like a Hill Billy! After Jylland-> Iceland and the awesomness of people i've got there.

How idea! After that.......If all goes as planned I'll be heading back to East-Europe to rule the streets there. And in the future I think I'll keep Copenhagen on the visit list.

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