Wednesday, July 13, 2011

BPF=Best Phone Forever!

I love technology, I really do. I'm a frequent user of the internet, in fact I would say that I spend most of my time, not being in school, studying, training or working, on the computer.  Browsing the internet for blogs, news, gossip, emails, resources and let's not forget: refreshing facebook every two minutes or so. Computers are great, simple as that.
Now, phones on the other hand. They give me bad case of ulcer, which is why I keep mine on vibration. This is something that annoys the crap out of frequent callers of Inam since I'm rarely able to hear my phone and therefore very seldom pick up the phone. But I do usually call back as soon as I see that someone has called....but it does happen that I forget or postpone it till it's too late, dont take it personally! The thing is that I have sever allergy to ringing phones, I really really hate it.
It's such a huge disturbance, lets look at some examples:

  • Sitting on the toilet and the bloddy phone starts ringing. It's possible to ignore it for the first 2 rings and then the only thing that comes to mind is how fast one can pull up the pants to not miss the phonecall.
  • Sitting with friends at a cafe or a bar and then a phones starts ringing. The conversation about that odd one night stand gets interrupted just before the highlight of the story should come. And since the phone is such an important usually gets picked up, even though one is surrounded with ones friend.
  • In the supermarket, the busy mother is just about to pay for her groceries when the phone goes off.  Instead of gently pressing "ignore", she feels obligated to answer. So japping to a friend and at the same time fishing after her wallet and trying to her the cashier...the whole process just takes so much longer and makes it unpleasent for the rest of the line and the cashier......disrespectful.
  • Getting jiggy with your boyfriend (cuddling or whatever thing came to your dirty minds) and the phone goes off.....Seriously folks, how can a phone call outplay your spouse, think about it.
Those four came to mind cause they make my famous eyebrow go into twitch mode. It seems to me that people have become so dependent on their phone that the life around them gets less important when the phone calls for their attention. And I dont want to be dependent on my phone; so I keep it on vibration that way I can quietly ignore it when I'm doing something else...and then I call back when I'm done with whatever I was doing (I might have to alter this attitude slightly when I become a veterinarian....).

I'm not familiar with the phoneculture in Scandinavia but if it is anything like it is here in Denmark, then we can expect that a marriage between an iPhone and a human being will be a completely normal thing. Surely this iPhone is great, it has it all: GPS, music, games, internet, dictionary, any "application" you can think of, plus it looks good. But because it has all this (excuse my france) "crap" people feel obligated to check their phones every 4 seconds. This makes gathering rather odd since there is usually at least one or two who are checking their phones in between beer sips: "Oh, wait I'll just check this one thing", "blipblip, oh that was an email, comment on facebook, sms. I'll check it quickly". For us who are not in a stable iPhone relationship, this can be rather tedious, all of a sudden the ceiling of the bar becomes of interest, the beer glass empties real quick and the last thing to do is to check that big, 5kg nokia hand down from dad...that is: flicking through the phonebook. And this is's not an uncommon sight on cafes to see friends all sitting with their latte, extremely busy ticking away on their iPhone.....nice gathering?! 

My next phone? No idea, some that is not to expensive but works for phone calls, sms and it could be nice to have a camera on it in case I get bored waiting for something or someone...then I can take pictures of myself.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Four boobs on a beach.

I might not have mentioned that I'm in North Jotland, Lonstrup to be more precise, and that it's great with work, work-out, horseback riding and lets not forget a beach and some sun.

So today was my day off and I decided to pretend that I was back in Brazil on my way to Copacabana beach (basically I put my optimistic glasses on). So I strolled down to the beach in short shorts, tank top and bikini underneath...tan time. I lasted two hours and I did get some tan, the only thing was the wind that was waking up my goosebumps every now and then. Still, a beach is a beach and even though it was lacking handsome brazilian men in speedos I managed to get some color (got myself a bit of a tan line which I will keep on working), plus I have a great imagination so closing my eyes and voilá, there I was sipping caipirinha with a  gorgeous man next to me.

So I was lying there in my ugly bikini ( I really need a new one, in case someone wants to give me a present) letting my mind wonder and as I look down I see four boobs...not two, but four.  I have a freakishly huge ribcage that is sticking out. People have also pointed out when I'm lying down that my ribcage is blocking the view of the television (people being ex boyfriends and good friends). I don't know if it's some sort of abnormality but big it is and when I'm lying on my back my ribcage is bigger than my boobs (might say more about my boobs than my ribcage). One theory is that i'm the human form of a grayhound.....they have huge ribcage or I have a big heart that needs a big ribcage for protection, I can't decide which one it is since both are very much possible; fast runner, ridiculously kind...basic.

So in my own boredom on the beach I took a picture of my ribcage. It's big and might even say that it looks a little bit like a ribcage of an alien, like ET or from one of those alien movies. Of course they dont have this tan that I have but we have the protruding ribcage in common.

So...third theory: Could I be an alien...............

Oh...and it's not because I have big bones. I was told that once and my eyebrow twitched for a week after. Big boned..christ!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Death of an ipod

It's not dead yet but it sure is getting senile, I turn it off and in two seconds it is turned on again playing some song that I surely did not ask for. Nem good....because my ipod is my all time exercise fact it's my all the time buddy. Whenever I go out of the house my ipod follows, secured in my bra playing my favorite music. And now it's giving up on life..sniffsniff.

The only bright side of this matter is that: this could soon be my new exercise buddy:
Ooooo, it's so pretty and it can count your steps and it can do all kinda things that probably says in the manual which i will read and then give you an update.....or not. It's not too cheap but you know, when I say that I need shoes....that's just hallucination most of the time, but an ipod is something I cannot live without, that's just how it is.  I need to have something in my ears when I jog, when I exercise, when I bike to school, when I do grocery shopping.....I walk better when I listen to music, its true!!!

So, if my oldie doesnt get back on track, i'll be accepting this new exercise buddy into my life.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I don't hate children, of course not, I was one before. But I don't care very much for them at least not when they're behaving badly or when they're crying or being loud. They're more or less adorable when they're being cute and funny and they're really cute when they're sleeping.

Now, I'm sure this can mostly be blamed on the parents. You see, it's the parents that let their children run around in; supermarkets, malls, train (like in this case) or any were where there is open space. And they (the parents) probably think it's really cute that their kids are having fun in the public places (or they're to lazy to approach it and discipline their kids) but the case is that we that happen to be around, we don't all appreciate these children running around shouting and being all loud. You don't see me taking my dogs of the leash where there is load of people, letting them run around barking, sniffing and pissing around the place. And i'm pretty sure that if I did, some square minded bugger would call the police or dog-catcher or something. I know what you're thinking; dogs can be dangerous, it's not really fair to compare the two things. Ok, point taken but so can children, it's easy to trip on them when they're on the loose and it is kinda in a way Ok to compare it; both need discipline and both kinda have an "owner".

But it is very odd, that people think that when they bring their kids along they can just let them loose..?
"Right we're here in this cafe and I'll just let my little kid here run around....I mean there is no danger, it wont be able to go out on the street, so I'll just sip on my latte and talk to my friends while the kid gets it exercise". No....doesn't work that way! See, I came to drink my coffee and enjoy my little piece of chocolate along with it and I can probably speak for many when I say that it's really hard when there is a toddler running around the café bumping into about anything that is possible to bump into. Dont mind the mother bringing the kid to the café to meet up with friends but then keep the kid under control....

Again, I dont hate kids. I just think that parents could try to keep them a little more under control. Some discipline doesn't kill anyone. And polite, moderately disciplined children are just so much more pleasant than little terrorist running around with drool on their t-shirts and crazy-glow in their eyes.

I'll probably have a kid at some point in my life (unless I settle with dogs and cats, which I must say, that at the moment, I enjoy much more, they're furry and sweet and it takes max 1 week to teach them how to use the "toilet") and it's probably going to be a little, loud and hyper terrorist if it would take some from me. But hopefully I will be able to keep it under control when around other people so that they can enjoy their coffee, train-trip, air-trip, boat-trip, supermarkets and all that.

And next time I'm buying a ticket in the quiet section.

Oh, and all baby people and parents out there, dont get offended. Your kids are probably totally awesome!

Friday, July 1, 2011

On a move

Once again, I've packed my bags, found a place to stash them and I'm off again. Seems like me and Copenhagen don't really click as most things went wrong that could go wrong. Surely there were some good times; there is always good times were miss Frida is but unfortunately shit was hitting the fan quite frequently and there is only so much one bothers to deal with.

When I left Budapest I was super excited about settling in Denmark (actually I was super excited about going to Brazil) to finish my studies, find a handsome  boyfriend (since there is not such a great variation of men in Budapest, no offence!) and finally perhaps get a job and get a life here. I have more or less aborted those ideas, the whole thing with finishing the school....well, that mission is a mission of a lifetime and since I am able to do it in less than a lifetime in Budapest I think i'll do that. Finding a boyfriend....well...I still have time for that later in life and I believe I need a country that is warm, people and weather wise.

So what's happening now: I'm getting a move on to Jylland were I'll be working with Frida's mother in her gallery. That will be a nice change from Copenhagen, been a fecking wreck half of the time a great diet out of the whole thing and bigger jeans....Dunno how positive that is. So for one month I'll be chilling (working) in the country side, chewing on straws and swearing like a Hill Billy! After Jylland-> Iceland and the awesomness of people i've got there.

How idea! After that.......If all goes as planned I'll be heading back to East-Europe to rule the streets there. And in the future I think I'll keep Copenhagen on the visit list.