Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Liar liar pants on fire

My scars have made me one of the best storyteller (or liar) of 2011. Perhaps I will even be mentioned in storybooks later on.

The latest story:

Two capoeira dudes, one from Italy and the other from somewere else, on a capoeira training came to be with a trouble look on their face:
"What happen to your arms?"
I responded: "It was a polar bear attack up in the glaciers in Iceland". Luckily they didn´t really get it so when they joked around and asked if it had been a surfaccident (whaaa.....) in Iceland I saw my opportunity. So I put up a very triste face and here it goes:
Me: "I had a samurai boyfriend"
Italian guy with his jaw hitting the ground: "Oh...and he cut you like this, why..what did you do so he do this to you"
Me: "Nothing, there are many mad people in this world we live in"
Italian guy: "And the police take him...lock him up?" The somewhere else guy: "Is he in jail?"
Me:"Nope, he´s dead. Shot him" (Ok...i just realised there that I might have gone to far with my lie but....)
Somewere else guy: "Oh...he´s dead. Did the police shoot him?" (yess...they misunderstood me)
Me: "Yup...I mean he was a maniac."

And here the conversation faded away since we should practice some more....

BWAHAHAH.....really?? Samurai boyfriend...really...? Maybe it´s mean though...people are asking genuinly and I´m making up stories like there is no tomorrow...aaaaa no! It´s not´s funny!

Laters...from the girl with the ex-samurai boyfriend, íííííha!

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