Sunday, March 20, 2011

Easy is often best

We´re in Manaus.

It´s so different. The people look totally different then the ones in Rio and fact many of them are indians. Running around with a bow and an arrow, shoutin whoolwhoola...or almost. The city is also very different...Now I´m not familiar with this city at all but it seems as if it is a lot poorer, which could be the case since in 30 years they´ve gone from having a population of around 200.000 to 2 million. If you really wanna know more about it, google it.

We arrived this morning, tired and frozen since the theme of the flight was the northpole. I can understand that people like use air condition since it is quite warm, but they took it to another level in this plane. It was freeeeezing, I looked like friggin Rudolf the whole flight, 5 hours.

Spent the day walking around the center and saw everything the guidebook tells one to see in aprox. 3 hours. And that was about it...thank god we could change our flight back to Rio two days earlier, don´t know what we could have done here for 7 days. And about´s amazing what three girls can do when they put they´re charm together. We managed to get the flight changed without paying any taxis, so only the difference between the two flights. It only took some cleavage showing shirt and a winkwink.

We also managed to bargain the price for the trip we´re about to take tomorrow. Which is by the way gonna be awesom. Boat trip, fishing, aligators, sloths, jungle and all that jazz the next four days. I´m praying that the mosquitos will find some other victim than me to bite...surely there must be someone with sweeter blood than me. But to be on the safe side we bought some garlic and that´s gonna be our snack, we´re gonna smell gorgeous, only bad thing is that if we come across a handsome vampire they´ll run away.

Right now we just came from what I believe has been the best meal of this trip. Just thinking about it makes my salivary glands go whambam. We were not really planning on having dinner since our lunch experiance was soo bad. But then we came to this outside "resturant" were they were grilling some exotic fish and not so exotic chicken and decided to live a little and try it out. So we ordered two half fish (which according to my mathematic knowledge would make one fish). It took some time to grill it there on the street but patiently we waited. And then it came and good grace and all the angels was heavinly. The fish literally melted when it touched the tongue.....sooo good! After we had pealed all the meat of it, Miss Frida whipped out her disecting skills and took out the brain (she didn´t eat it though), and it was during the disection that she noticed that this was that kind of fish we had seen at some tv show earlier in Copenhagen. The fish with HUMAN TEETH. It´s crazy...they look just like human teeth and are extremely strong. Just googled it now and found out that it´s called Pacu fish, ugly as fuck but quite interesting though.

Ok...I really wanted to make this look nice but I cannot, for my life, be bothered figuring out how to do that. Will do that later. But yea...that´s what I had for dinner and enjoyed like it was my first and last meal. Mmmm...

Should get my ass to the prison room and pack my things for the aaamazonas. Plus the guy in the reception is wathcing some really cheesy brazilian soap and I´m starting to think he might have some hearing problems since it´s on the highest volume....

Next time folks, in rio!

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