Thursday, March 10, 2011

Carnaval and madness

I´m back...and I apologize to all my fans out there that I havent been writing....the reason is that I´ve been too busy exploring parties and other good stuff.

Now, I´ll try to fill you up on the things that have happened the last two weeks.

The saturday before Maria (a friend from frida) should arrive we went with our mega friend, Fumasa to one of the funniest parties I´ve been to in a long time. We started off by having a little get together at our apartment and then went on to a crazy samba club. After we´d been shaking our asses to that music we were off to the next place.....the gas station next door. And there we stayed along with the gays (yes the gays meet at the gas station, open the trunk of the car and then blast George Micheal and other classics) for 4 hours. Good times.

Sunday was time to pick Maria up from the airport and as the health was rather hungover we rushed home, changed into beachwear and dozed on the beach for the whole day.

And now I´ll get to the good stuff!!! CARNAVAL.

Holy maccaroni....I can understand when brazilians say that they live for carnaval. It´s the best, craziest party ever. And the best thing is that one wakes up in the early, gets on the beer until around midnight and then...yeah well obviously it depends on the person in question but then people go home or they continue.
Fumagoamigo aka Fumasa took us to so many good parties. We only joined the Blocos and ofcourse we only went to the best and the biggest ones (it seems like all of them are since that´s what our friends kept on saying: You have to go to this one cause it´s the BEST AND THE BIGGEST ONE). But I´ll admit that they were all big and they were all good. Running around with thousands of people, drinking beer and caipirinha and tequila and whatever there was, singing, dancing, shouting along with the trucks that are blasting the carnaval music.....what can I say. I could come here every year for it.

There was one in particular that was very funny. We woke up so early and went to have a mega good breakfast. We decided to dress up in nice dresses and wear a mustage...Well, lets just say that the mustage gave us quite a lot of attention. People were laughing and pointing, high fiving and all that jazz. I obviously assume this is because of our share beauty. The bloco took place in Centro and it was just perfect, we met so many nice people...I met the future father of my children (only thing is that his sight is bad....does it run in the genes) and we were running around telling lies and enjoying the good weathers. Then we had a crazy metro trip were me and Maria made Frida famous by singing her name and funniest thing was when we then met some guys from the metro and they started singing Frida´s name.....they remembered.
Next bloco was in Ipanema and this is when we decided that I should be called Ipanema. We went to a baywatch party....which was interesting. I think that was my first and last baywatch party. I´ll say they have some good view up there..but I can also tell with most certainty that during carnaval they´re not doing so good job at looking at the sea as they´re too busy getting girls up to their little hut.
We met some funny americans, partied like crazy with the future father of my children and fumagoamigo and by the time we dragged our asses home it we were so tired that we were not sure of our names nor anything else.
And after carnaval I am Ipanema, Maria is topimodel from Denmark and Frida is lobisoma. Privat humour.

I wont go into details with all the other parties cause that would fit a book but I will add funny points when they come to me. But what I can say is that we partied for 6 days and I can also say that it´s a strain on the body, especially when you´re becoming an old hag like myself. Also we met so many great people that I would like to stick in my suitcase and bring along with....oooor I could just stay.

Right now we´re in salvador staying with a friend whom I met in Iceland. Mister George aka Goggilicious. He was kind enough to lend us his sofa...Next up for us is Itacare where we´re gonna hang out with some douchbags with guitars and learn how to surf......or at least try. After that....amazonas waits for us with all the bugs and parasites and brr....ugh!

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