Sunday, March 13, 2011

Douchbags with guitars, surfers and other animals

We´re in Itacare. Here people walk around with their guitars, dreadlocks or long hair, mellow grin on their face because of their love for life along with surferdudes with their six packs and board. It´s like from a bad teenage movie! Dont get me wrong...the place is nice and the beaches are nice and all.....but there is only so much you can take of douch....But the capoeira here is good and yesterday we had a very good roda! I literally got swept of my feet, flew in the air and crashed on my ass on the floor, its a good thing i have a good ass....other wise bones would have broken. But those guys were gooooooood!

We had a minor problem getting here....Got on a boat to the wrong place. Ok, solved that problem by taking a minibus. Frida got harassed by some guy who had had one to many drinks and kept shouting offensive comments at her. She got safed by a blue eyed prince in a minibus. When we got the bus station to get to itacare....there were no more buses. Great....this was a bigger problem.
But...luckily we met the most annoying person that has walked on this planet and all decided to take a bus to the closest place and from there jump on a taxi. Good...done and done. But after the four our busdrive we had to spend one hour with her in the taxi......that was one hour of my life that I lost and suffered. Ugh...what a person!! She is just the definition of CRAP. And that´s also the only thing she could talk...CRAP!

Finally we then got here...had our room already reserved and now we´re enjoying the sun (that was not supposed to be here but me and frida said that it would...awesom we are) and will soon take surferlesson. It´s gonna be interesting to see how long my patiency will last. I´ll probably end up braking the surfboard, swearing till my throats gets sore and then state that surfing is only for douchbags. But no worries..I´ll let you know.

Until then....enjoy the snow and the wind and the rain. I´m off to get a fresh juice and sip it with a straw in the sun.....Booooyacasa!

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