Those of you who know me (and I'm pretty sure that there is only people I know reading this stuff), know that I do pole- dance, fitness, sport..whatever you want to call it. I do it because I like it, don't really care what you call it, as long as you dont call it striptease, cause that's not what I'm doing. It's getting pretty old when people need to clarify for themselves what it is and the mantra is something like this: "Poledance, that's like striptease, right?"., it's not. Let me tell you the difference.
So, there you go. This is not the same thing....unless of course, you want them to be the same thing, cause lets not forget that the thing that is in common with pole fitness and striptease is,.....ya, you guessed it: The pole.
I don't think you can call yourself open minded, feminist or all for equality if you sit in a corner bashing me and others who happen to enjoy this sport. Not at all....rather I'd say you're square and old fashioned. It is you that degrade women by bashing them for doing what they enjoy, what makes them feel good.
I have friends that would roll their eyes when I told them about my new hobby. Mind you, my mother was a bit skeptical...for around 10 min and then that was over. But then again, my mother is open minded and cool. I have friends that remain offended by my sport. ITS NOT LIKE I'M SWINGING ON THE POLE WITH KNIVES SLICING ANYONE THAT COMES NEAR....for f sake. But still they will not even consider opening up, just a tiny bit, even though it has now been approved to be a sport....and might, one sunny day, be on the olympics. "NO, IT'S DEGRADING TO WOMEN, PERIOD". What ever....
I had rather interesting experience once. A friend of mine, who refuses to talk about my devilish act (that is pole fitness) and who is a feminist (like myself) had been to the circus. "Look at this, isn't it awesome"my friend said and showed be a was a guy....on a pole! How....I mean, in the monkey business ass is it ok, in fact not only ok but awesome, that a guy swings on a pole doing tricks and turns but when it's a woman, it becomes dirty and sleazy. How is this fair, and more importantly, how does that preach equality. I mean, it's ok for him to do it, but she shouldn't be doing the same thing....equality, my ass. I did point this out to my friend......and I did get the same response as usually, that this was not something that friend wanted to talk about...Aight then.
So, I'm gonna close this rant soon. I could write pages upon pages on this, but I'm not going to. The reason is that I know that those who choose to be "against" pole fitness will not have a change of heart. It's dirty and it will always be dirty, as long as skin is showing it's porn and the only reason for its existence is to please men.
Well, bitches, I do it to please myself. I look forward to each training, trying new tricks, challenging myself. I gladly prance around in hot pants and tops, even though I've got junk in the trunk and lovely love handles. I would NEVER had done that 10 years ago when I weighed 20 kg less and hated my body 20x more. So to those who piss on my sport, I piss on your opinion.
Peace out!
- Striptease takes place in a strip club
- Strippers usually get paid
- Striptease involves the act of removing the small amount of clothes that are covering the strippers body
- Usually there is a good amount of booze and often drugs are involved
- A crowd of horny, perverted and intoxicated men are present to jerk off to striptease.
- Striptease is, in general, degrading to women.
Pole fitness:
- Takes place in a polesstudio that usually closes before midnight
- YOU pay to train pole fitness
- Polefitness requires skin, but you do keep the small amount of clothes on your body throughout the training/show/competition
- Booze and drugs are not a good combination unless you want to risk breaking your neck trying one of the many tricks exercised.
- There is no jerking off
- Pole fitness makes women feel good about know, like any motion does.
So, there you go. This is not the same thing....unless of course, you want them to be the same thing, cause lets not forget that the thing that is in common with pole fitness and striptease is,.....ya, you guessed it: The pole.
I don't think you can call yourself open minded, feminist or all for equality if you sit in a corner bashing me and others who happen to enjoy this sport. Not at all....rather I'd say you're square and old fashioned. It is you that degrade women by bashing them for doing what they enjoy, what makes them feel good.
I have friends that would roll their eyes when I told them about my new hobby. Mind you, my mother was a bit skeptical...for around 10 min and then that was over. But then again, my mother is open minded and cool. I have friends that remain offended by my sport. ITS NOT LIKE I'M SWINGING ON THE POLE WITH KNIVES SLICING ANYONE THAT COMES NEAR....for f sake. But still they will not even consider opening up, just a tiny bit, even though it has now been approved to be a sport....and might, one sunny day, be on the olympics. "NO, IT'S DEGRADING TO WOMEN, PERIOD". What ever....
I had rather interesting experience once. A friend of mine, who refuses to talk about my devilish act (that is pole fitness) and who is a feminist (like myself) had been to the circus. "Look at this, isn't it awesome"my friend said and showed be a was a guy....on a pole! How....I mean, in the monkey business ass is it ok, in fact not only ok but awesome, that a guy swings on a pole doing tricks and turns but when it's a woman, it becomes dirty and sleazy. How is this fair, and more importantly, how does that preach equality. I mean, it's ok for him to do it, but she shouldn't be doing the same thing....equality, my ass. I did point this out to my friend......and I did get the same response as usually, that this was not something that friend wanted to talk about...Aight then.
So, I'm gonna close this rant soon. I could write pages upon pages on this, but I'm not going to. The reason is that I know that those who choose to be "against" pole fitness will not have a change of heart. It's dirty and it will always be dirty, as long as skin is showing it's porn and the only reason for its existence is to please men.
Well, bitches, I do it to please myself. I look forward to each training, trying new tricks, challenging myself. I gladly prance around in hot pants and tops, even though I've got junk in the trunk and lovely love handles. I would NEVER had done that 10 years ago when I weighed 20 kg less and hated my body 20x more. So to those who piss on my sport, I piss on your opinion.
Peace out!
Vel mælt. Ég viðurkenni alveg að ég var með fordóma fyrst en það var af því að ég vissi ekki nóg um þetta, bara þetta týpíska, fordómar til komnir af vanþekkingu á efninu. Það er sorglegt þegar fólk myndar sér skoðanir sem ekki eru byggðar á neinum rökum. Fyrir nú utan það að það er besta tilfinning í HEIMINUM að stunda líkamsrækt sem konu finnst virkilega skemmtilegt. Ætli mér líði ekki svipað í zumbanum og þér á súlunni, þvílíkt endorfínkikk.
ReplyDeleteFinnst tad gledilegt ef sofakartafla se tilbuin ad risa ur sofanum til ad koma i pole, zumba eda hvad sem er........ef hun nu bara hefur sig uppur sofanum!!